An open letter from the Rockford Family Initiative to City Officials
As we draw near to the day we celebrate the birth of the Christ Child may we remember Christmas is about life & love.

Empty Manger Caroling
On Saturday December 21st, 10:00am at 611 Auburn St. Christians will join together to pray and sing Christmas carols at Rockford's abortion facility.

Rockford Abortion Mill Update - 12/3/2024
The Maray Dr. abortion mill is now open. It seems they are not taking patients (victims) yet. A few workers show up occasionally but that will most likely change soon.

Christmas Card Campaign for Life
We are asking all Christians of good will to send Christmas Cards with a positive and clear message asking these five politicians to remember Jesus Himself was a child in the womb. We are also respectfully asking in our Christmas cards for all human life to be respected and loved.

Update and Request
Yesterday, November 20th, an abortion mill opened in Rockford with the apparent intention of surgically dismembering, crushing the skulls, and stopping the beating hearts of babies in the womb. Over 40 pro-lifers, led by members of the clergy, prayed yesterday at this location… that will be a place of so much death and heartache.

Prayer Vigil TODAY
Sadly, a new abortion mill is opening in Rockford this morning. Please join us for prayer and witness outside. Details:

New Abortion Mill - Prayer Vigil
Please join your Christian neighbors for a prayer rally on Wednesday Nov. 20th, at 9:00am at 4236 Maray Drive.
A second child killing center in Rockford is scheduled to open this Wednesday and it is essential that we are there to stand for Christ at the opening of a business that kills human beings with a deadly abortion pill and/or surgical dismemberment.

Baby Killing is Expanding in Rockford
A second baby killing center in Rockford called “Midwest Reproductive Health” is now expected to open on Wednesday Nov. 20th, at 4236 Maray Drive

The Road Ahead
We are tremendously blessed that a radical pro-abortion candidate for President has been defeated by Donald Trump. Presidents Trump has proudly professed his Christian faith but we will have a lot of work ahead of us in encouraging him to fully embrace the pro-life position.

End of Fall 40 Days Campaign - Rockford
We have completed our 40 Days For Life prayer and fasting for the Fall of 2024…