The Road Ahead

Romans 8:28: "And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to his purpose".

We are tremendously blessed that a radical pro-abortion candidate for President has been defeated by Donald Trump. Presidents Trump has proudly professed his Christian faith but we will have a lot of work ahead of us in encouraging him to fully embrace the pro-life position. 

Locally and in Illinois candidates who support the killing of babies by abortion won most races.  Donald Trump gives our country a lot of hope but in Rockford we face a powerful and well organized group of politicians and activists who promote the murder of babies. 

The Rockford Family Initiative is joyfully rededicating ourselves to be united in solidarity with you in sharing our Lord Jesus Christ and the Gospel of Life with the people of our community in the coming days and years.  We humbly beg God to led us to only do His Holy Will.

Together, we must love God in the way that please Him.  We will fight this battle with charity and the Cross of Christ.  We will stive to protect the unborn, shelter mothers from the culture of death, share the goodness of God, and wholeheartedly take Jesus to the streets and abortion mills in Rockford.  It is going to be a lot of work, prayer, and sacrifice and we thank God for every chance we will have to love and serve Him, to stand shoulder to shoulder together as witnesses to God and share to His eternal love with every person that we as the pro-life community of Rockford have the great blessing to encounter.

What a good and meaningful road we have before us in sharing the Holy Cross and Glorious Resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ


Baby Killing is Expanding in Rockford


End of Fall 40 Days Campaign - Rockford