An open letter from the Rockford Family Initiative to City Officials

Mayor McNamara, the Rockford City Council, and Winnebago County Board,

As we draw near to the day we celebrate the birth of the Christ Child may we remember Christmas is about life & love.

When Elizabeth, carrying John the Baptist below her heart in her womb, met Mary the Mother of God, John—then a fetus—leapt in the womb to greet his Savior, also a child in the womb. 

Jesus, God Himself was a child in the womb for nine months - abortion kills a child.

Every person in the womb is created in the image of God and loved by God - abortion kills that person.

Christmas is about loving Jesus & children and sharing that love with others - abortion is about killing a child and spreading a culture of death.

Christmas is about being a member of the human family - abortion is about killing members of our human family.

The Christmas message is about sacrificing for others - the abortion message is about sacrificing others for self.

Christmas is about Jesus and our salvation - abortion is an empty cradle, a full grave, and possibly the loss of Heaven.

Please remember that supporting abortion is the exact opposite of what Christmas is.  Please "choose" to love the Christ child and all people Jesus came to save - and that means all members of our human family.

May God bless you this Christmas,

The Rockford Family Initiative


Christmas Greetings


Empty Manger Caroling