Blessed Are Those Who Have Not Seen And Yet Believe
The graces and blessing of 40 Days for life were on clear display yesterday - Saturday, Feb 24th, at the Rockford abortion mill.
Baby Saved Today!
Today, the second day of our 40 Days for Life Rockford campaign, by the grace of God, a mom and dad choose life at the Auburn Street abortion mill! Here are the details.
Fire safety for some but not for all?
The following is an email sent by Rockford Family Initiative to the Rockford City Attorney on February 5, 2024
Pray for the mothers too
On Thursday morning a mother covered her face as she went into the Auburn St. abortion mill. About 45 minutes later she came out again covering her face as she went to her car and even covered her face as she drove away.
40 Days for Life Kickoff - Feb 13th
We’re excited to announce that Steve Karlan, 40 Days for Life Campaign Manager and renowned writer, will be giving a talk at St. Bernadette’s Church on February 13th! Free Event!
2023 in Review
This is a brief summary of 2023 concerning respect for human life in the womb in Rockford.
Update on Recent Events
On Thursday morning Dec. 14th, a vehicle with a man and woman in it pulled into the Auburn St., abortion mill parking lot.
Empty Manger Caroling and Request
Today, we held prayed outside the abortion mill on Auburn Street. The goal was to bring the joy and hope of Christmas to a place of misery and despair. The empty manger represents the joy that ought to accompany the birth of every child. Children have been saved from abortion when their mothers heard the carols and reconsidered their choice for abortion in light of the Christmas story.
November Monthly Rally for Life
Our November rally outside the Auburn mill was TODAY! We prayed and held signs, peacefully protesting the horror of abortion.