The unborn need YOU


March 5th - April 13th

8:00am-8:00pm, on the sidewalk at the Rockford Abortion Mill 611 Auburn St, Rockford IL. Lots of public parking at this address.

From March 5th to April 13th, you are invited to join other Christians for 40 Days for Life - 40 days of prayer and fasting for an end to abortion. You are also invited to stand and peacefully pray during a 40-day vigil in the public right-of-way outside the abortion mill at 611 Auburn Street in Rockford. God may use your prayers and witness to save children from abortion and to bring His grace and life to mothers in need.
If you would like more information - and especially if you would like to sign up for a time to pray, please go to: or contact: Kevin at 815-494-0444 /


Why Participate in 40 Days For Life
1. Because children are being killed every week in Rockford by abortion - your prayers and sacrifice will make a difference.

2. 40 Days for Life brings God's grace so hearts can be softened, lives saved, and souls healed.

3. In Scripture Jesus asked, "Can't you keep watch with me for one hour? 40 Days for Life also answers Jesus's call to spend an hour with Him for, as Jesus said, "the least of My People."

4. God has used a 40-day time period many times to manifest His life, Grace, and love for His people.

6. You are needed!


How To Participate in 40 Days For Life?
1. Choose as many days and times as you can spend an hour in prayer at the place where children are killed by abortion in Rockford.

2. You can sign up for an hour of prayer at:

3. You can stop by anytime without signing up between 8:00am-8:00pm and pray on the public sidewalk at 611 Auburn St.

4. Please hold a pro-life sign while you are praying so you can be a witness for Christ & life to passers-by.
(Please contact us if you need a sign)

5. Trust in God to use your prayers and witness for the good of souls.


A Tale of Two Signs in Rockford


40 Days is Coming Up