A Tale of Two Signs in Rockford

On Monday March 3rd, the Rockford City Council will be voting on affirming a large public sign that says, "Rockford: All People Are Welcome." 

Many of those who support this sign have also made possible the creation of two abortion mills in Rockford. Both of these abortion mills "welcome" children in the womb by killing them and in most cases disposing the dead bodies of God's children directly into the sewer system of Rockford.

Many of those who support the "Rockford: All People Are Welcome" sign have also shown their very public support for both abortion mills.

The same abortionist who ran the child killing business on Broadway in Rockford years ago is the owner of the abortion business on Auburn St. and is the landlord for the abortion mill on Maray Dr.

This abortionist who Mayor McNamara and the Democratic majority on the City Council support had a sign of his own up in Rockford for a few years. It read NIWC (Northern Illinois Women's Center) 50,000 - JC (Jesus Christ) 50. We were told by the abortion clinic staff that this was a sign of celebration that they have killed 50,000 babies and JC could only save 50.

We respectfully ask Mayor McNamara and those who support abortion to really and truly welcome all people to our city and not divide God's people into categories of those who are welcomed and those who can be dismembered and killed as a "sign' of celebration for the baby killing businesses in Rockford


The unborn need YOU