Greeting President Biden in Belvidere
The Rockford Family Initiative teamed up with the Pro-life Action League to show Joe Biden the truth that abortion kills a person in the womb.
On Nov. 9th, President Biden gave a speech in Belvidere. As he was leaving, Joe Biden passed within a few feet of pro-lifers holding dozens of signs that showed the reality that abortion is the murder of a child. We know he saw the message clearly. We pray his conscience was struck by seeing the pictures of babies he is responsible for killing and that his hard heart is softened by so many prayers in the hope he repents of his support for killing God's children in the womb.
THANK YOU to all of our Rockford Family Initiative supporters who on short notice showed up in Belvidere to show the truth in charity, placing all of our trust in Jesus, with the prayer that seeing the reality of abortion our President will repent and choose life for God's babies and his own soul.