Open Letter to Rockford Public Officials
To Mayor McNamara, Alderman Rose, Alderman Boone, Dawn Granath, Tamir Bell, Jenna Goldsmith, and Kylee Miller,
On Tuesday night you appeared in a "candidate forum" to publicly show your support for the killing of God's children by abortion. You don't need me to go over the scientific facts that the life of a person begins at conception and the eternal truth that Jesus loves everyone of His children in the womb - who you support being dismembered and killed by abortion.
Please, we beg you to consider the state of your soul. We know Jesus said in Matthew, “Whatever you do to the least of My people you do unto Me.” You are advocating for the death of God's little girls and boys in the womb that God loves so dearly. God clearly stated He considers your brutal attacks on His babies as a vicious attack against Himself. You support killing babies and Crucifying Jesus on the demonic altar of "choice."
Please, we entreat you to consider what Jesus taught in Luke about the the poor man who sat at the gate of the rich man hungering for life.
1. The poor man was totally dependent on others for life. (The unborn are dependent on you/us for life).
2. The rich man did not persecute Lazarus he simply ignored him. (You actively work for, vote for, and support the direct, heartless and intentional murder of the unborn).
3. When the poor man died he received eternal life with God - when the rich man died he lost his soul. (God's babies in the womb go back to their Father when they are murdered by abortion. The souls of those who support the murder of God's babies and refuse to repent will be lost for all eternity).
4. You may think your support for the killing of your sisters and brothers by abortion is excused because of politics - but how you treat God's children in the womb has a direct bearing on the formation of your soul and where you will spend eternity.
We beg you again, please reject the killing of your fellow human beings by abortion and choose life for babies, mothers, and for your own eternal soul.
God bless,
Kevin Rilott