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Protest Drag Queen Story Hour

Please join us for an urgent public prayer vigil to protect children's innocence.

A 'Drag Queen Story Hour' for families (including children) will take place at The Unitarian Universalist “church” in Rockford on Wednesday, January 29. This event promotes unnatural vice and moral disorder!

We will gather outside the event for a prayer vigil from 5:30PM - 6:30PM.

WHEN: Wednesday, January 29th from 5:30PM - 6:30PM
WHERE: 4848 Turner St, Rockford, IL 61107
(Meet on the public sidewalk at the entrance to the “church”)

In addition to other prayers, we will pray a Public Rosary of Reparation!

WHY: Because the Drag Queen Story Time for children is a serious offense against God and scandalizes children.

For more information, contact Kevin at (815) 494-0333 or email at

The word corruption barely touches the surface. If men dressing in 'drag' and having access to toddlers is not shocking enough, one self-described 'drag queen' said publicly: "this is gonna be the grooming of the next generation!"

How on earth could anyone think of destroying children's innocence, and in such a perverse and scandalizing way?

Please join the Public Rally of Reparation Wednesday, January 29th from 5:30PM - 6:30PM.

Whatever happened to the time when the protection of children's innocence was a non-negotiable social norm? Even rough men watched their language and mannerisms when children or ladies were around. Vulgarity, bad habits and vice were concealed so as to not destroy the innocence of a child. Are those days over?

What world will this become when unnatural vice and moral disorder are paraded in front of little children? And this in what was once regarded as a family-friendly environment.

Sexualizing and corrupting children's innocence is always abusive and wrong. According to the American College of Pediatricians: "Conditioning children into believing that a lifetime of chemical and surgical impersonation of the opposite sex is normal and healthful is child abuse."

This is a serious attack against God's Law. We must take action against it. Let’s make it clear we do NOT want this in our city.

This immoral agenda is being promoted nationwide through the public library system from San Francisco to New York.

This prayerful act of reparation will be peaceful and legal. We will pray to protect these children's innocence. We want peace and order in our community, according to God's Holy Law.

Bring your rosary and prayer books. Bring your friends.

Join us on January 29th at 5:30PM to stand up for the innocence of children. I hope you are able to make it.

Our voices were heard loud and clear when the Rockton Library tried to host a similar event. Because of brave people like YOU that came out by the hundreds, that event was CANCELLED. Protests work!

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